What to Expect When Going Through Radiation Therapy

From diagnosis to finalizing your cancer care plan, it is only expected that emotions and fears will occur. It’s a new and unknown area of your life, but we are here to help guide you every step of the way. 

The more you prepare and know what to expect, the better you can get ready to start your journey of conquering cancer. When your treatment plan includes radiation, and for over 50% of patients it does, you’ll want to consider the below so you can be fully prepared from your first treatment on:

You’ll want to Go in With a List of Questions

Once you decide on radiation therapy, your next step will be to see a radiation oncologist who will provide and explain the different types of treatments available. What you’ll be offered will all depend on the type, stage, and location of cancer. This is the time to ask any questions, concerns, or fears you may have. Leading up to your appointment, start a running list so you can jot down what pops into your mind as it does. That way, you can bring it with you the day of your appointment and leave fully aware of your next steps. Besides, the more informed you are, the better you’ll feel about your decision, too. 

There are a Variety of Radiation Treatments 

Though there are various radiation treatments out there for cancer patients, the most common types are 3D and IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy), both using CT-based planning. Your doctors will explain in detail what will happen on the day of treatment and the type that is best for you. Treatments are often relatively quick, but knowing how they’ll be administered and how often will help ease your nerves before the first one. Treatment will be spread out across several days and weeks, and there might be some precautions to follow as well. But, again, your physician will explain all before the process begins. 

Preparing For After Each Treatment

While undergoing radiation, your care team will constantly monitor your progress and adjust as they see fit. Your oncologist will keep you informed of the next steps and check in on how you are doing. 

Consider Post Care

After treatment, you’ll want to protect your skin from direct sunlight as you’ll be more sensitive. Side effects like nausea or fatigue may occur, so allow yourself time to rest. Drink plenty of water, keep track of your symptoms to inform your doctor about the next treatment, and take care of yourself emotionally too. Once you have completed radiation treatment, it’s vital to continue with follow-up appointments and reach out to your oncology team if any concerns arise.




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